Charlotte in Song

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In association with Sinfonia Viva

In association with Sinfonia Viva

Join us for a special performance of 'Charlotte in Song'; the culmination of a collaboration between Nottingham-based orchestra and community arts group Sinfonia Viva (, the Brontë Parsonage Museum, and Lees and Oakworth primary schools. The children have worked closely with Sinfonia, participating in a number of song-writing workshops, inspired by the life and works of Charlotte Brontë. We hope you will join us to hear the children perform their work in a live performance at Haworth Parish Church at 7pm. Admission £3.

This project is the first in a special series of bicentenary collaborations with Sinfonia Viva, which are being developed in memory of Virginia Rushton, Brontë Society member and founder of Operahouse Music Projects.

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