A statement from The Bronte Society
On 28 August, following the longest period of closure in its 92-year history, the Brontë Parsonage Museum reopened its doors to the public.
This was a significant and positive step, but as over 70% of the Brontë Society’s income comes from admissions, events and retail, being closed during the busy spring and summer season has had a devastating financial impact on the organisation. Recovery will be slow and the Society is forecasting a significant reduction in visitor numbers and associated income into 2021.
The Society is making use of all available support, including the HMRC Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, which continues to subsidise staffing costs. We are very grateful to have been awarded a grant from Arts Council England’s Emergency Response Fund, which enabled us to reopen the Museum. Additional income has been raised via a fundraising campaign, a digital events programme and a membership drive. However, it is painfully evident, that for the Brontë Parsonage Museum to survive, the charity needs to significantly cut costs further. It is with great reluctance that we have therefore notified our staff of our intention to enter a period of consultation with them, which may lead to redundancies.