'My dear saucy Pat': Patrick and Romance

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Thursday Talks

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Thursday Talks

Our monthly talks are back, and we begin the year with the theme of love.

Patrick was married for nearly nine years to his wife Maria, who, writing to her husband-to-be during their courtship, addressed him rather cheekily as ‘My dear saucy Pat’. After Maria died in 1821, Patrick remained a widower for the rest of his life, although he did make two clumsy attempts at remarriage. Join us to learn more about Patrick’s romantic life on the week of Valentines day.

Our Thursday Talks are delivered by our lovely in-house Parsonage staff. This year we will be delivering them in person at the Parsonage, and online for anyone who can't make it to the museum. Details on how to join below.
The first Thursday Talk of the year will take place at 2pm on Thursday 17th February.

Tickets are free with admission to the museum, and will take place in the Old School Room.
This event is first come first serve, please sign up at the welcome desk on arrival on the day.

Can't make it in person? No problem! We will be running an online version of the Thursday Talk at 7:30pm, the very same day.

Tickets for the evening event cost £3 
the event will start at 7.30pm UK time (GMT). 
This event will take place via zoom.  It is a live event and will not be recorded.
Full details of how to join the event will be sent once you have booked your place. 

Please do not book a £3 ticket if you are planning on attending in person, at 2pm. The online ticket is for a Zoom event, at 7:30pm.
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