Gazette and Brontë Studies
The Brontë Society Gazette
The Gazette is our society magazine, published three times a year. As a member, you enjoy free access to the latest and archive issues of the Gazette.
The most recent editions can be found below; otherwise, please contact [email protected] for older editions.

Brontë Studies
Brontë Studies (previously Brontë Society Transactions) is the only journal solely dedicated to Brontë family research, and has been published since 1895. It includes original, peer-reviewed articles, conference papers, notes on matters of interest, and correspondence, and is currently published three times a year by Taylor & Francis Publishers, part of the Routledge group.

Articles for Brontë Studies can be submitted via Taylor & Francis’s website under the ‘Submit an article’ button. Authors will need to register with ScholarOne if they aren’t already. Please click the 'Journal link' button below to be redirected to the Taylor and Francis website.
All members can access current and past editions of Brontë Studies / Transactions by clicking the 'Journal link' button:
Any member who wishes to receive a printed copy of the new editions of Brontë Studies when they are published can do so at the rate of £20 per year inclusive of postage. Those wishing to do so should contact our Development Officer, at [email protected] or by phoning 01535 640195.
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A 30% discount is offered on any full-priced CRC Press or Routledge book title to members of The Brontë Society on the Routledge Taylor & Francis website. Click the button below to get your unique discount code.